Product Guarantee Policy of

treedental-spare-parts-guarantee Free Spare Parts or Repairing Service

When you buy a product on our site, and find it not working properly during the product guarantee time, you can contact us to get the free spare parts or get the free repairing service.


Scope of Guarantee

All products on have the Free Spare Parts or Repairing Service guarantee during the product guarantee time except some special product line, such as the dental disposables.


The following situations are not included:

1. The item is out of the product guaranteed time. (You can find the guaranteed time for each product in the product details page.)

2. The damage of the item is caused during shipping.

3. The damage of the item is caused by man-made factors.


Guaranteed Protection Period

You can submit the Free Spare Parts or Repairing Service requests within product guaranteed time. Most products on our site have one year guaranteed time (from you receiving the product). You can find the guaranteed time for each product in the product details page. You can do this by submit us the free spare parts or repairing service request form.


Spare Parts or Return Product Shipping Fee

If you want free spare parts, we will send it to you with no charge. We will handle all the necessary shipping fees (from to you). If you want free repairing service, you are responsible for the returning shipping fee (from you to ), and we are responsible for back shipping fee (from back to you).


Workflow Details